You are what you eat, or rather you are what your body gets out of what you eat. Seems pretty basic. But in today’s crazy, busy, mixed messages life, the simple often gets over-complicated. So throw away the idea that there is one diet that works for everyone. We are all individual and only your body, as felt and understood by you, knows what works best - for you.
So if trying to make ourselves keto, or vegan or omnivores, etc. is not where we should focus our attention, where should we look? One thought: no matter what you choose to eat or drink, it should be done using properly prepared, nutrient dense foods; foods that will help you feel good and be your best.
What is digestion? It's basically eating food and breaking it down into things that your body can use, then getting rid of the rest. Digestion is a complex system; so many things can go wrong. But the key is, your body wants to stay in a state of homeostasis - meaning it wants to be in balance. So when you’re not in balance, it lets you know, but to hear it, you have to learn to pay attention. Stomach hurt? Hangry? Bloated?The list goes on.
At base, consider digestion a North to South process. It starts in your brain an ends, well, with your bum. Everything in the process depends on what came before it. Consider step one in the maintenance and growth of your body: learning to listen to your body’s signals.
Consider blood sugar as your body's energy regulation system. When your sugar levels drop, your energy lowers and your body says you're hungry. If you eat, choosing nutrient-dense, quality foods, then you can have sustained, balanced blood sugar, thus - good energy. But if you grabbed a coffee and a croissant, your body goes into a sugar high with high levels in the blood, then a little while later - crashes.
You raised your sugar level too fast, so your body worked hard to bring it down. But it will over-compensate and swing your sugar level too low, so you get tired and off goes that hunger signal again. Back to homeostasis -- pick the correct foods to stabilize your blood sugar levels, thereby stabilizing your energy levels, and having a calm, cool and collected day.
Did you know that your heart loves fats? Fatty acids are your heart's primary source of fuel. The rest of your body loves fatty acids too: they heal, lubricate, control inflammation, provide energy, aid absorption of vitamins, help regulate your energy levels… Fat has been given a bad rap, but fats are essential to the running of your body. (Actually – look to blood sugar dysregulation for that plaque build-up in your arteries, not fat).
But not all fats are created equal. Fats like Omega 3s, 6s and 9s are necessary, in the correct balance; think fats from fish, meats and vegetables – in their natural form and best quality available. Industrialized oils (hydrogenated, partially-hydrogenated, trans), those are best avoided. Truly, a good take away from most of these sections is: avoid man made, processed foods. Eat what exists in nature.
Minerals make up about 4% of our bodies. We do not make them ourselves so we have to get them through food. Our body uses minerals for many things: to build bones and teeth, contracting and relaxing muscles, regulating tissue growth, and even turning the food you eat into energy for your body. Without minerals, you'd be a bag of skin with no energy nor ability to move.
People think about getting enough calcium for their bones, but in general, everyone gets enough calcium in their diet. What they lack is the right amount of cofactors to allow their bodies to absorb and use that calcium. Balance - for calcium to be used in your body, you need proper levels of hormones, hydration, vitamins, fatty acids, other minerals and of course, a good digestion. There is a balance to everything for a happy, healthy body.
Can we change the phrase “milk - it does your body good” to “water - it does your body best”? Your body can survive about 3-4 weeks without food but only about 3 days without water. Water is vital. Our bodies are 55-60% water. Most of our cells and fluids are made of water. Water improves oxygen delivery to cells, absorbs shocks to joints and organs, flushes toxins, enables cellular hydration, empowers the body's natural healing process, enables the digestive process...
As always there is a balance. Too much water, things get flushed out that shouldn't be flushed, too little water, well, you shrivel and die. Quality also matters. Too much of the water we drink is filled with toxins and chemicals. Try to get clean filtered water, from a quality source.